Physicists have been wondering with a fundamental question, why do some particles have mass, while others move around massless? As a result, a brilliant physicist named Peter Higgs in the 1960’s proposed a ground breaking theory. Here, he suggested the existence of a field. Furthermore, the field spreads everywhere and interacts with particles, granting them mass. Later, this field was named as Higgs field. Additionally, the hypothetical particle was named the Higgs boson.
However, the Higgs boson’s existence remained purely theoretical for decades. Physicists across the globe started to search for this elusive particle. This quest culminated in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a marvel of engineering, designed to recreate the conditions of the early universe where the Higgs boson might be born.
Scientists around the world were looking for a special particle for a long time. In 2012, the LHC discovered a partical with the same propertises given by Peter Higgs. This particle, called the Higgs boson and was like a missing piece in our understanding of the universe.
This discovery was a big deal because it explained why things have weight. The Higgs boson’s interaction with other particles explains why they have mass, a property essential for forming atoms, molecules, and everything around us. Finding the Higgs boson helped scientists fill in a giant hole in our knowledge of the universe.
It was like finding a lost puzzle piece. This discovery confirmed a theory by Peter Higgs, who became a scientific superstar. He even got a Nobel Prize for his work in 2013.
However, the story doesn’t end here. The properties of the Higgs boson continue to be intensely studied. Scientists are looking for deviations from the Standard Model’s predictions, which could hint at new physics beyond our current understanding.
But thanks to Peter Higgs and the discovery of the Higgs boson, we have a deeper understanding of the very fabric of reality. It’s like having a new instruction manual for everything around us! This discovery opened doors for scientists to explore even more mysteries of the cosmos.
To read more such blogs: https://questionmag.com/
Bibliography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Higgs
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